Take down the towels

Creating key focal points in your camp store.

Have you ever walked into a Camp Store and see pool towels hanging on the wall? Recently, when taking on a six store chain of Camp Stores, every store I walked into had colorful pool towels displayed on their walls as if they were a decorative canvas. Your eye went right to the array of towels on the wall and not to the displays of merchandise that were for sale.

When building out your camp store you should strive to create key focal points that attract a customers eye. Each of these eye catching displays should have merchandise that is properly priced. Add signage to encourage your customer to impulsively “Buy Now”. You could add a promotional table of neatly folded sweatshirts or to the latest souvenir that you can’t keep in stock . Your Camp Store should be merchandised into defined departments with colorful attractive displays catching their eye as they shop.

If you have pool towels hanging on the walls because you think it adds color to your store – TAKE DOWN THE TOWELS. Focus on the displays at the entrance and interior of the store. This is where attracting your customers eye can encourage them to add onto each sale as they move through the store to get the one item they need. Every visit to the store is an opportunity to sell more than they came in for.

For more ideas on how to setup your store to attract a customers eye, message us today.